
Yoga Practice  In our times the significance of having a practice cannot be overestimated.  It can change our lives, bringing us stability and ease.

Practice is the effort of becoming stable there.  But this practice becomes firmly grounded when done intensively, properly and continuously over a long period.  From Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra I. 13,14  (translation Orit Sen-Gupta)



Innerspace  Situated on the Elandsgracht in the heart of Amsterdam’s  Jordaan, it has held the space for practitioners of yoga, meditation, shiatsu and tai chi for more than twenty years.  A small yoga studio by today’s standards, a full class holds fifteen participants.   The natural hardwood floor and timeless interior support the physical and subtle inner work of our practice.




Shirley Woods is a certified Vijnana Yoga teacher and a long time
practitioner and teacher of Ashtanga Yshirley woods yogaoga. She teaches using the principles of Vijnana Yoga – practicing from inside (the work of Orit Sen-Gupta). Our tools are Just Sitting, Pranayama and Asana. Practice of the Vayus deepens and connects this work. The classical method of Yoga combines this with self-study and reading of the traditional texts, giving insight into what and why we practice. Through this we come into meaningful contact with our physical, subtle and spiritual bodies. It extends beyond the Yoga mat into daily life and back again, evolving into a constant learning process.